Are you ready for a change?
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Get REAL results, and a team of experts by your side.
Watching the SAME OLD boring sales techniques that are unrealistic and never work
Using an outdated software to manage your billing & students
Having an old website that has poor SEO, little to no lead production, and looks like it was made in 1998 with NO updates ever.
Setting up your own social media ads without knowing what to do and wasting money
Watching students leave after a few months because your retention sucks
Sales strategies and methods that have been PROVEN and work in REAL SCHOOLS LIKE YOURS
Use modern, innovative software that is user-friendly and designed for REAL SCHOOLS LIKE YOURS
High converting websites, customized for YOUR SCHOOL and is updated quarterly with new media and fresh SEO tools.
Our team of EXPERTS manage all of your social media ads, SEO, and Google Ads
Keeping students so long they use your school's address for their government I.D.
Olivia is incredible, her team helped my school double in profits in the first 3 months. We are on pace to have our best year BY FAR. It's all about systems!
Once the Springboard team took the wheel on our marketing, I could concentrate on what I love, which is teaching and running my school.
I was wearing too many hats, Springboard showed me how to put in the proper systems in my school, so then once I made sales, my retention was on point, and my profits went through the roof.
with Sales, Systems, & Service.
And it will work.
We are a full service agency that teach the THREE S's of every successful school.
Systems. Sales. Service.